Many of us, especially early in recovery, find it difficult to control impulsive behaviour. Our history of relapses is a stark reminder of this fact. Sometimes we get caught out while doing well in controlling use of our substance of choice, but we find ourselves acting out in areas such as gambling, sex, rage, over-eating etc. To be successful in recovery we need to change how we manage the thoughts and emotions that lead to impulsive behaviour.
In the past you were slaves to sin—sin controlled you. But thank God, you fully obeyed what you were taught. You were made free from sin, and now you are slaves to what is right. (Romans 6:17-18 ERV)
Due to our previous lifestyle our brains may have suffered change or even damage that led to an imbalance in our impulse control. In Step Two, as we pray for God to restore us to sanity, this is one area where we can expect to see God help us. It is not easy to learn how to live in our new life in recovery, but God has promised to help us find and maintain a life of doing what is right and to enjoy the peace that goes with it.

One of the areas we will first become aware of our impulsive behaviour is in our emotions and reactions to what others say or do. With God's help and power to control ourselves, we can stop, step away from the situation, and give God a chance to show us a better way to respond.
If we are to learn about controlling our impulses, the experience, strength, and hope of those who have walked this journey before us is important to seek out and put into practice. Their months and years in recovery are a testament to what God can do and will give us hope in learning to control our impulsive behaviour.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to grow in grace towards others and be consistent in making choices for good reasons rather than acting impulsively on my emotions. Amen
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