Sword Of The Spirit

Many of us have watched movies with men or woman dueling with swords. Some of us may have an interest in sword fighting but, in recovery, most of us operate in the advance/retreat movements of dueling when we are learning to navigate life without our dependency. We take the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God and advance in our new way of life. Then someone or something comes along and blocks our forward thrust and we retreat. In these circumstances what are we to do? The Scriptures are the only Sword by which we can fight our opponent.

Accept God's salvation as your helmet.  And take the sword of the Spirit - that sword is the teaching of God.  
 (Ephesians 6:17 ERV)

A parry is a fencing bladework maneuver intended to deflect or block an incoming attack. A parry can be classed as any deflection of the blade that prevents the opponent's attack from landing. To prevent the tempter’s attack from landing us in relapse, we need to commit to memory and speak out the Scriptures which best deflect the temptation we are dealing with. This method of defence will give us the strength to move forward again. 

Because he himself (Jesus) suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.  (Hebrews 2:18 NIV)

The evil one tempts with lies that we should familiarize ourselves with. He makes his way seem appealing while his desire is to trap us into bondage. Jesus said there is no truth in him. Whom will we choose to believe? 

He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar and the father of lies and half-truths. (John 8:44b AMP)

Swordsmen carefully learn strategies to fight their opponents and they keep their bodies fighting fit. Are we willing to learn strategies that will help us defend ourselves against the enticements of the evil one and are we keeping spiritually fit in the Word?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I want to thrive in my recovery.  Help me to learn and proclaim Your words of truth from the Bible, so I may defeat my opponent’s enticements which are intended to harness me to the slavery of my old ways.  Amen

©2022 Partners in Hope 

Audio for Sword Of The Spirit

Giving Hope

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