Whom Have I Injured?

An important part of living with God in recovery is coming to an accurate view of what went wrong in our relationships and doing our part to make things right. What prompted us to physically, mentally, or emotionally, hurt another person? Regardless of the excuses we may make for our behaviour, we need to admit that we did cause harm to some family members and friends.

Perhaps we spoke in anger or we used distance and coldness to wound others. Our lying, cheating, or stealing from others deprived them of peace of mind and emotional security. What we thought were “victimless crimes” always had a victim. Many of us used domineering and controlling tactics so we could manipulate others and ensure we got our own way. We were masters at playing the blame game and were unwilling to talk about our issues or take responsibility for the situations we created around us.

God created us to live in loving relationships. Whether a breakdown happened an hour ago or a decade ago, God is with us to help us work for reconciliation. As we seek His wisdom, God will show us how our attitude and behaviour harmed others, either directly or indirectly, and will help us become willing to make amends.
Prayer: Loving God, Help me to have an accurate view of the underlying root cause of what went wrong in relationships where I know there is struggle or distance on my part. Please give me the humility and grace to confess my wrongs, make amends, and pray for those who have been impacted by my behaviour, so each one of us can be healed. Amen
©2023 Partners in Hope
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