Step One Finding A Way Out

Monday October 16, 2023

“Where is life going from here?” This a question we may ask ourselves when we come to admit that we are powerless over our dependencies and that our life has become unmanageable.  We are aware that there are very few options left open to us.  We have used up our resources and abused both family and friends so we could keep doing what we were doing. We have finally admitted that there is nothing good in our lives while we are serving our addiction. 

You used to live as sinners when you followed the ways of this world. You served the one who rules over the spiritual forces of evil. He is the spirit who is now at work in those who don’t obey God. At one time we all lived among them. Our desires were controlled by sin. We tried to satisfy what they wanted us to do. (Ephesians 2:2-3a NIRV) 

When we realized our life’s journey was taking us on a downward spiral to a place we might never get back from, we called out to God and asked Him to help us find a way out of this dilemma.  God, in His grace, heard us and made a way for us to get the help we needed.  He showed us a way to break the chains we had forged for ourselves.

My troubles are like a prison.  Set me free so I can praise your name. Then those who do what is right will gather around me because you have been good to me. (Psalm 142:7 NIRV) 

We did not become powerless over our dependencies in a day and it is certain we will not get freedom from them in a day.  We need to learn about God and His power to free us.  We also need to learn from people who have knowledge of the path we are on and are willing to share their experience, strength, and hope with us.

Lord, teach me how you want me to live. Do this so that I will depend on you, my faithful God. Give me a heart that doesn’t want anything more than to worship you. (Psalm 86:11 NIRV)

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, Thank You for giving me hope of turning from my sinful ways and embracing Your ways that lead to freedom from my bondage to self-will. Amen

©2023 Partners in Hope 

Audio for Step One Finding A Way Out

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.