Golden Words Of Wisdom

Saturday November 25, 2023

One of the faulty measures people often use for determining the success of a person is how much money they have made.  Many people who have stumbled into addiction know that lots of money can be made, but also quickly lost.  Too often very wealthy people have lost everything as they fell into the black hole of chasing after their next high.

Wisdom is worth much more than gold. Understanding is worth much more than silver.  (Proverbs 16:16 ERV) 

We can take great comfort that as we face both our hurts and hopes with God, the wisdom and understanding of His written Word will show us the way to where true success in life is found.

Pride is the first step toward destruction. Proud thoughts will lead you to defeat. It is better to be a humble person living among the poor than to share the wealth among the proud. (Proverbs 16:18-19 ERV) 

hen we think we have got it all together and know all that we need to know without consulting God or others, we are well on our way to relapse.  It all begins in our thinking and that’s why it’s important to share on a regular basis with a sponsor or mentor what’s going on between our ears.  The wise person is the humble person who knows they still have a lot to learn and are willing to do something about that today. 

Good people try to avoid evil. They watch what they do and protect themselves. Good things happen to those who learn from their experiences, and the Lord blesses those who trust him.  (Proverbs 16:17, 20 ERV)

The joy of this journey with God is that we can learn from our own experience as well.  If we keep watch over our daily activities by doing a Step 10 inventory each night, we will learn and experience good things from God and grow more in wisdom and understanding of His principles than we ever thought possible.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, I ask You to work in my heart, so my desire is not for wealth but to live by Your principles.  Please strengthen the longing within me to be guided in all my actions by Your Word and help me to live accordingly.  Amen


©2023 Partners in Hope 

Audio for Golden Words Of Wisdom

Giving Hope

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