Many of us choose to rely on our own understanding of how life works and what is best for us. We are reluctant to change our ways in favour of God’s ways even though we are living proof that our own ways do not work. It is a wise person who takes time to pursue the wisdom and knowledge of God as given in the Bible.
When we are a believer in Jesus we walk in the light and are renewed daily by the Spirit of God. We try to leave behind those things that would violate God’s laws. To know what violates God’s laws, we need to meditate on His word so we can learn what His principles are. As we improve our conscious contact with Him, the God who sought us and brought us from darkness to light will increase our knowledge of His ways.

Listening to knowledgeable people who have walked the recovery path before us may save us from many pitfalls. From experience, they have learned about those things that cause addicts to stumble and fall. They know how vulnerable we are when we fondly look back on our old ways and tend to forget the pain and heartache. God has promised to give us everything we need to live a Godly life. When our former way of thinking is drawing us back towards the darkness, we need to persevere in resisting the lies of the evil one and strengthen ourselves in the Lord who will give us everything we need to live a Godly life.

Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose. Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family. (Proverbs 18:21, 24 MSG)
The word of God is life-giving, and it is the wise person who heeds correction and gains understanding.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Please give me a hunger and thirst for the knowledge of Your Word and a firm desire to practice what I learn in all my affairs. Amen
©2023 Partners in Hope
Audio for Pursuing Wisdom And Knowledge
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