Character Defect Arrogance


One of the coping mechanisms many of us use when dealing with low self-esteem and the humiliation of our past failures is the mask of arrogance.  We work so hard to cover up our shame that we no longer are in touch with what is real and needs to be dealt with. We are all a mixture of strengths and weaknesses but because of His love for us, God wants us to come to a realistic assessment of who we truly are. 

Don’t think that you are better than you really are. You must see yourself just as you are. Decide what you are by the faith God has given each of us.  (Romans 12:3b ERV)

Arrogance is the steel-hard resistance that supports denial, blames others, and excuses us, as we continue to believe that our problems are created by the actions of someone else.  

Live together in peace with each other. Don’t be proud but be willing to be friends with people who are not important to others. Don’t think of yourself as smarter than everyone else.  (Romans 12:16 ERV)

Healthy recovery requires us to take responsibility for our actions and reactions.  In humility we need to see ourselves as we really are.  We also need to practice the gift of mercy as we see others’ flaws and recognize that we are all on a level playing field where we need to encourage one another by sharing the experience, strength, and hope that God has graciously given us. 

Arrogance says, “I don’t need anyone else.  I can do this on my own.”  In recovery we get to lay down our ego and all the grandiose thinking that we have developed, admit our powerlessness over our addiction, and embrace the truth that, with God’s help and the support of others, we truly can recover our lives.

People who think they are wise when they are not are worse than fools.  God is against the proud, but he is kind to the humble.  (Proverbs 26:12, James 4:6b ERV)

Prayer:  Loving God, I want to live in truth.  I lay down my masks, particularly arrogance and grandiose thinking, and humbly put my trust in You to help me recognize my character defects.  Teach me to love others as You love me.  I want to be the person You created me to be.  Amen


Audio for Character Defect Arrogance

Giving Hope

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