Welcoming God To Complete His Work In Us


 When we look at people who appear to have it all together, we envy them, especially when our life is not harmonious or as settled as we would like it to be.  That is not to say that those we think have a perfect life really do, for Jesus said that in this world we will have trouble, and that is true for everyone. What we should consider is that discontent might actually be a sign that God is working in us to move us forward from where we are at, to a place where we will have new wisdom and understanding of His plan for our lives. 

We have not stopped praying for you since the first day we heard about you. In fact, we always pray that God will show you everything he wants you to do and that you may have all the wisdom and understanding that his Spirit gives.  Then you will live a life that honors the Lord, and you will always please him by doing good deeds. You will come to know God even better. (Colossians 1:9-10 CEV) 
We know from the Scriptures that God has a plan for us, and He says that what He starts He will complete.  We will have good days and bad days but, in each day, God has a purpose for us.  We need to persevere through the tough days and pursue God, accepting the fact that He will make known to us the mystery of His will which He planned for us before we were even born.

 God is the one who began this good work in you, and I am certain that he won’t stop before it is complete on the day that Christ Jesus returns.  (Philippians 1:6 CEV) 

When the spirit of heaviness surrounds us, we need to proclaim the truth that God is with us and for us.  We need to shake off any darkness and choose to live in the light as God is in the light.  We need to allow God to work in us to complete the work He has begun.

 His glorious power will make you patient and strong enough to endure anything, and you will be truly happy.  (Colossians 1:11 CEV)


Prayer:  Gracious Father, Help me to live in the light as You are in the light.  My desire is to endure and persevere through anything I encounter believing that You will make all things right as I surrender to Your will.  Amen




More information on this and other related topics @ http://www.partnersinhope.ca/life-with-god-in-recovery-resources/

Audio for Welcoming God To Complete His Work In Us

Giving Hope

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