How We Got To Where We Are

Friday June 21, 2024

We realized that our life was unmanageable, and we got to where we are at by our own irrational thinking and flawed solutions to life situations.  When we choose to allow God’s truth to motivate our thinking and daily living, we can have a full life beyond all we could ask for. 

It’s true that moral guidance and counsel need to be given, but the way you say it and to whom you say it are as important as what you say. It’s obvious, isn’t it, that the law code isn’t primarily for people who live responsibly, but for the irresponsible, who defy all authority, riding roughshod over God, life, sex, truth, whatever! They are contemptuous of this great Message I’ve been put in charge of by this great God. (1 Timothy 1:8-11 MSG) 
Who do the tapes playing in my head say I am?  Who does God say I am? What are my felt needs right now?  Does God promise to meet those needs?  Where do I think my life is headed?  What does God say about His plans for me? The answers to these questions show me where I am actually rooting my beliefs and actions today. 

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.  (Romans 12:2 NIV) 

God offers us a new way of life.  It requires that we surrender to the truth.  It requires conquering our feelings when they don’t line up with truth.  It requires that we lay down our familiar self-centered ways and follow God’s life-giving ways.  Today we have a choice, to live by our unreliable feelings or live according to God’s truth.  The former leads to disaster.  The latter leads to life.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  (1 Corinthians 13:6 NIV)

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, I confess and repent of my irrational thoughts and flawed thinking that brought me to where I am today.  My self-centered actions are caused by my defective belief system about who You are and who You say I am.  Today I choose to walk in the truth of who You are and who You say that I am.  Give me a discerning heart to know the plans You have for me.  I am forever grateful that You love and care for me.  Amen

 Video Encouragement and Prayer

Audio for How We Got To Where We Are

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.