When To Be Thankful

It is a wonderful practice to take time daily to be thankful for all that we have, and all that God has promised us. This principle is evident as we read the Bible.
They were also to stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord. They were to do the same in the evening. (1 Chronicles 23:30 NIV)

Jesus modelled giving thanks when life was overwhelming and everyone around Him was struggling. When a huge crowd was with Him and the resources available for feeding everyone were insufficient, Jesus gave thanks. The result was an amazing miracle. What might God do if, when faced with overwhelming challenges, we take the time to name before God what we have and give Him thanks for His goodness?

Most of us would not question the fact that it is good to be grateful on a regular basis but the question for each of us today is, have I taken the opportunity to bring myself to a moment of reflection which allows gratitude to rise in my heart for all that God has done and continues to do for me? This is how we find strength. This is how our faith in God's goodness grows in our hearts.
Prayer: Thank you God for being attentive to my needs in the situations I face throughout each day. Help me to practice gratitude so I can be filled with faith and live in conscious awareness of Your generous heart and Your loving presence ever with me. Amen
Audio for When To Be Thankful
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