Just For Today Walk Humbly

Sunday September 22, 2024

 Just for today I will seek to serve others with kindness, doing what is right, and walking humbly with God.

 The Lord has shown you what is good.  He has told you what he requires of you.  You must act with justice.  You must love to show mercy and you must be humble as you live in the sight of your God. (Micah 6:8 NIRV) 

Often, when we have chosen for life with God in recovery, we will come to a place of challenge where we still want our own way rather than what God would have us do.  When we are having fun with others, it may be inconvenient to stop and focus our attention on a person who needs to share or needs help with something.  We would rather someone else do that.  A quiet voice in our head says, “Do the right thing.”  Will we respond to that voice or ignore it? 
Self-centered ways are childish ways.  God invites us to grow up, make mature choices, and act responsibly.  For too long we have let our feelings be our guide and that has been our downfall.  God calls us to live as Jesus did, showing compassion and mercy where we can, even when it is inconvenient, and we don’t feel like doing it.

 He makes the whole body grow and build itself up in love. Under the control of Christ, each part of the body does its work.  (Ephesians 4:16a NIRV)

 It’s important to do inconvenient things rather than just focus on what we want to do when we think we are ready.  This will free us from some character defects and help us grow into the person we were created to be.  That’s where the principle mentioned above gives us guidance: “be humble as you live in the sight of your God.” We are students.  God is the teacher.  Only God knows the proper sequence for lessons to be learnt.  God wants us to depend on Him and then each lesson will be learned in God’s perfect timing. 

God is willing to show us the way forward and strengthen us to be thoroughly equipped for every good work but, on our part, it requires humility and surrender to His ways.


Prayer:  Heavenly Father, give me the grace and strength to serve others with kindness.  Teach me to do what is right when it is right to do it.  Help me to be willing to do things Your way and not mine.  Amen 


  Video Encouragement and Prayer


Audio for Just For Today Walk Humbly

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