Seeing Our True Value

Self-worth is the value we put on ourselves and our role in life. Some of us will overrate ourselves and some of us will undervalue ourselves according to our own estimate of our position in life. What is the right approach to assessing our self-worth? When selling a house, the asking price is not the true value of that house. Its value is the price the buyer is willing to pay. God was willing to pay a high price to buy us back from the broken, isolated condition we found ourselves in because of our sin and rebellion against Him.

We are of great value to God because Jesus came into the world to pay the price for our sin so we could be free from its penalty. How do we value what Jesus has done for us? If we refuse to accept what Jesus has done for us, then we are assessing no worth to the plan of God for our deliverance from the penalty of sin. Our self-worth is then determined by us or by the value others place on us.
Jesus came into the world not to judge the world but to save it. Unwillingness to receive this precious gift of new life through Jesus is what will judge us in the last day. Our true value is already settled by who we become when we accept the finished work of Jesus on our behalf.

Through Jesus we become children of our Heavenly Father. Our worth to God is more than we could ever imagine. We are God’s masterpieces created in Christ Jesus to do good works.
God rescued us from dead-end alleys and dark dungeons. He’s set us up in the kingdom of the Son he loves so much, the Son who got us out of the pit we were in, got rid of the sins we were doomed to keep repeating. (Colossians 1:13-14 MSG)
Prayer: Gracious God, Help me to base my self-worth on the truth of who You say I am. Through acceptance of the sacrifice of Jesus as payment for my sin, I have been reconciled with You and am grateful that You have become my Heavenly Father, and I am Your precious child. Amen
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