The Way To Become Mature

The way to become mature in our recovery and in life in general is through prayer and meditation on what we read in the Bible. We need to daily seek conscious contact with God, praying only for knowledge of His will for our lives and the power to carry it out. As we read the Scriptures, we become knowledgeable of God's character and, by obeying His principles, we learn how to live life to the full. Being able to quote the Scriptures is good, but it does not bring maturity. Maturity comes from obeying what the Scriptures say.

The philosophy and mentality of this world is vastly different from what God says in His Word. We know the trouble and heartache our chaotic lifestyle brought us but are now learning a more excellent way. We were once foolish, disobedient, hateful towards others, and sought pleasure in whatever our immoral minds desired. We were like immature children seeking every candy in the store. Now our life is being impacted by the love of God for us and we are learning to love others as ourselves.

As we follow the ways of God and faithfully obey His principles, we will become the mature person that God created us to be. We know that God has a plan for us that will prosper us and give us hope and a future, and we know that if we seek Him in all our ways, His plan will succeed.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I want to grow and mature in my faith in You and in the knowledge of Your Word and Your ways. Help me to challenge any accusations, temptations, and lies of the evil one with the truth of Your Word. Jesus won the battle over all evil, help me to stand firm in His victory. Amen
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Audio for The Way To Become Mature
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