Affirmed And Accompanied By A Loving God

Thursday October 17, 2024

After years of listening to another’s harsh and condemning words about us, it’s wonderful to have an opportunity to experience the affirmation of God and to be reminded that as we walk with Him, He is well pleased with us. 

God, have mercy on us and bless us.  May you be pleased with us.  Then your ways will be known on earth.  All nations will see that you have the power to save.  God, may the nations praise you.  May all the people on earth praise you.  May the nations be glad and sing for joy.  You rule the people of the earth fairly.  You guide the nations of the earth.  (Psalm 67:1-4 NIRV)

These verses remind us that it was God who, in his mercy, reached out and rescued us.  He didn’t just set us on a path and expect us to find our own way but, with great joy, He accompanies us.  In an amazing turnaround of events, God now gets praise from others through the witness of our life with Him in recovery.

We invited Jesus into our lives to forgive and save us.  By the power of God’s Spirit, we are now being transformed into His likeness.  Others notice, and perhaps some ask about what happened that caused us to change. As we share our experience, strength, and hope with them, they will come to realize that it was God’s power that made the difference in our lives. 
Recovery does not bring about a perfect world but, as we navigate relationships with others and walk with God, minus hiding behind substances, God will show us what is right and what is wrong.
  Seeking recovery with others can be messy.  Life itself is sometimes messy.  But together with God, who guides and governs individuals and whole groups of people fairly and with justice, we can take the necessary steps that will help us all live together in peace. 

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, It really is a pleasure to walk in the acceptance and affirmation of Your love.  You have called me to belong to You and through Jesus, made that possible for me.  At times, when it is a challenge to endure others, help me to take a moment and reach out to You for guidance and then do as You say.  Help me to see myself as Your beloved child and know that You are well pleased with me.  Amen

   Video Encouragement and Prayer

Audio for Affirmed And Accompanied By A Loving God

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.