A dollar bill is only as good as the government or bank that has promised to give value to the holder of the bill. The piece of paper itself is of little value but the issuer or backer of the bill is what makes it valuable. Even if a dollar bill is worn, dirty and crumpled, it still has the same value as that of a new note. Unfortunately some countries have had their currency devalued because of being unable to fulfill the promises written on their monetary bills. However, when it comes to God’s promises as recorded in the Bible, we can rest assured that they have eternal value.

In our self-obsessed lifestyle we devalued ourselves in many ways. We made promises to family members and friends which we never intended to keep. The promises we made to those to whom we really mattered were of no value, and we didn’t care about the harm we caused them. We were captive to our addiction and our lives were unmanageable. Even in our confused state, God continued to pursue us with His love, and we responded.

In recovery, we have grieved over our broken promises. We desired to make amends to those we had harmed, and some people have been willing to accept and forgive us, while others have doubted that we were genuine.
God knows our hearts and our value is determined by who He says we are. Our value for all eternity is backed by God’s promise that whoever believes in Jesus will have everlasting life. If we wholeheartedly give our will and life over to the care of God, that’s a promise that will be fulfilled!
Prayer: Gracious Father, I repent of the times I made promises without any intention of fulfillment. I ask Your forgiveness for all my rebellious ways and choose to give my will and life over to Your care. I am grateful for the value You see in me. Amen
Video Encouragement and Prayer
Audio for Broken Promises
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