Coping Strategies

Sunday October 13, 2024

 When we turned our will and life over to the care of God, we started a life journey of living sober.  We are not alone on this journey for God is always with us.  However, we need to prepare ourselves for the battle that is to come.  We are naive if we think the one who Jesus said wants to steal, kill and destroy us will just retreat and forget about us.  The truth is Satan will do everything within his power to bring us back into bondage. 

God sent Christ to be our sacrifice.  Christ offered his life’s blood, so that by faith in him we could come to God.  We are people of flesh and blood.  That is why Jesus became one of us.  He died to destroy the devil, who had power over death.  (Romans 3:25a; Hebrews 2:14 CEV)

 No army would go into battle without a strategy against the enemy.  Similarly, we need to prepare a strategy for battle against our adversary.  By His death, Jesus redeemed us from the power of sin.  By His resurrection, Jesus was victorious over him who had the power over evil and death.  This is the truth we are to stand on when the enemy attempts to drag us back into bondage.  

Satan’s strategy is always to twist the word of God and have us doubt its truth.
  We will have victory if we are willing to arm ourselves, as Jesus did, with the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. 

 Put on the helmet of salvation.  And take the sword of the Holy Spirit.  The sword is God’s word.  (Ephesians 6:17 NIRV)

Satan makes our addiction appealing and we need to prepare for that.  The battle for our souls is in our minds and the helmet of salvation protects our minds.  When temptation comes, we need to call out to the Lord for help and then decisively stand firm on His word that Jesus has set us free from every dependency that would seek to keep us in bondage.

 Lord, there isn’t anyone like you.  You help the weak against the strong.  Lord our God, help us.  We trust in you.  (2 Chronicles 14:11b NIRV)


Prayer:  Heavenly Father, When temptation comes, help me to stand firm on the truth of Your word and continue to do the next right thing.  Amen


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Audio for Coping Strategies

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