Addicts tell lies. We tell ourselves we need our substance of choice to deal with the day. We believe the truth about our lives is too painful to face, that we’re different, and that our circumstances are too traumatic to overcome. We lie because we are embarrassed and ashamed. We lie because we are in denial about where our addiction has taken us. The bottom line is, we lie because it helps us remain in the familiar place where we are.
One of the greatest challenges we face in recovery is giving up the lie we tell ourselves, that we need to lie. We have not changed much if we lie to get money from the government or lie because we are ashamed of who we are now, remembering and telling only part of the truth about our past.
Lies keep us hidden in isolation and shame. They cloud our ability to seek solutions that bring us real freedom. It’s time to choose truth and work hard on changing the environment of lying that we have created. One truth at a time – even an acknowledgement that we just lied – will bring freedom and relief. Nothing brings peace and a sense of wellbeing more than living in the truth.
But you must do this: Tell the truth to your neighbors. When you make decisions in your cities, be fair and do what is right. Do what brings peace. (Zechariah 8:16 ERV)
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I admit that lying often seems much easier than telling the truth. I desire the life of freedom and peace that You promise to those who live in the truth. Today, help me to notice when I lie and give me the courage to deal with it immediately. Amen
Video Encouragement and Prayer
More information on this and other related topics @ http://www.partnersinhope.ca/life-with-god-in-recovery-resources/
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