Knowing God’s Will

Just for today I will try to live in conscious contact with God praying only for knowledge of His will and the power to carry it out.

The founders of AA were clear that we needed to get to know both God’s will and receive the power to carry it out. It’s important that we admit we need help to do God’s will. We need to ask for the gift of understanding and for God to do for us that which we cannot do for ourselves God is more than willing to give us gifts, but we need to be humble and admit that we need to open our hearts and minds to receive what God has to offer.

We need to lay down our perspective of what we think is needed in any given situation in our day and be willing to see things from God’s perspective. Our familiar way of thinking is flawed. It took us to dark and destructive places. We need what is new, even though that often means trying something different and unknown.

Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days. (Deuteronomy 5:33 NIV)
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Help me to humble myself and let go of my own perspective of life. I desire to know Your will for my life and put it into practice in all my affairs. Please give me the gift of understanding and the will to do this. Amen
Video Encouragement and Prayer
Audio for Knowing God’s Will
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