

Infidelity in a relationship has harmed many of us.  It doesn’t matter if we are the unfaithful partner, the uninvolved partner, a child of parents experiencing infidelity, or even an extended family member, infidelity harms all of us in ways that we never anticipated.  

Even after a divorce agreement between two partners has been agreed, in many instances the hurt continues.  What would God say to any one of us who has suffered the pain of infidelity? 

I have swept away your sins like a cloud.  I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist.  Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free.  (Isaiah 44:22 NLT) 

Often our emotional response to infidelity causes us to add to the harm we have already sustained.  Hate rises in our hearts, and we determine never to forgive the unfaithful person.  Resentment and malice disturb our sleep.  Our thoughts are obsessed with the situation, and we are filled with resentment and bitterness.  Previously we might have tried to cover up the pain and trauma with our medication of choice.  How can we get relief from this situation and remain faithful to life with God in recovery?

Don’t let me do what I know is wrong.  Don’t let sin control me.  If you help me, I can be pure and free from sin. (Psalm 19:13 ERV) 

Our God is a redeeming God and whatever painful circumstances we may endure, His love and comfort will sustain us.  Infidelity in a relationship will harm many people and we will need to make amends if we have been an unfaithful partner.  If we are a victim of infidelity, we need to bring our hurts before God, repent of our unforgiveness, and seek His healing for all our woundedness. 

Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. (Romans 4:7 NLT)

Prayer: Loving God, Thank You for Your love and care for me.  I repent of the harm I have caused others due to infidelity.  Help me to live in the joy that my sin record has been cleared by the blood of Jesus.  In all my ways help me to be faithful to You and to those I care for. Amen

Video Encouragement and Prayer 

Audio for Infidelity

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