Remember God’s Help In Time Of Trouble

Monday November 11, 2024

As we remember service men and women who served our nation in times of war and other national troubles, it's good to be mindful of words from the Bible that prompt us to remember God's help in our time of need. Many veterans, who found themselves in fox holes on the frontlines, came to know how important it was that God was with them in ways that never would have been as evident to them had they been safe at home.

 The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.  (Exodus 15:2 NIV)

 In the Bible we read of people who experienced hurtful circumstances and trauma but remained faithful to God.  They brought their circumstances before God and trusted Him to help them.  When they were afraid, they chose to find comfort and strength in the truth that God is faithful and will do what He has promised.  They were willing to follow God and leave the outcome with Him. 

In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling. (Exodus 15:13 NIV)

 Many of us, in the chaos of addiction and now in recovery, recognize that we need a power greater than ourselves to help us through each day.  On our own, we know we are powerless.  We know the problems we face are greater than the strength we have.  Our hope is in God alone for victory over our dependencies.

 As people gather across our nation on this Remembrance Day, let’s give thanks for the military men and woman who serve our country and keep our land safe from those who would seek to oppress our nation.  Let’s also give thanks to God for His strength and goodness which brings peace to us in body, mind, and spirit.


Prayer:  Heavenly Father, I give thanks for Your help in times of war and in challenging times.  As I learn to trust You for victory over the oppression of my addiction, keep me aware of Your presence ever with me.  I pray for lasting peace in both my country and in my soul.  Amen


 Video Encouragement and Prayer 



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Audio for Remember God’s Help In Time Of Trouble

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