What Do I Do With This Sadness?

When we wake up from the haze of our addiction and reflect on the harm we have caused in our relationships or when we make an inventory of our character defects and deep sorrow overwhelms us because of what we have done, the question to ask ourselves is, "Am I saddened enough by the painful mess I am in to be willing to come to God and admit that I am powerless over my self-willed ways?"  If we are willing to repent and follow God's ways, He will forgive us for our past sins and lead us forward to a new life with Him in recovery.

Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh. Your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us.  Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.  (Luke 6:21b, 2 Corinthians 7:9b-10 NIV)

God anticipates that we will feel sorrow about what has gone wrong in our lives and He wants us to use that sorrow as motivation to turn our hearts toward Him. Wrong is wrong.  Harm is harm.  We can’t escape the reality of the harm we have caused but we can offer it, together with ourselves and our future, to the God who created us and who will bring new life out of the ashes of our past. 

It’s not enough to regret the past.  Godly sorrow that the Bible speaks of is the kind that brings us to our knees in repentance before God.  We own up to having lived a self-obsessed life with no consideration of the impact it had on others.  Godly sorrow also appreciates that Jesus came to earth to suffer and die so that we could be free from the penalty of our sins. It’s the type of sorrow that fills our hearts with gratitude as we realize how much Jesus has done for is.  Let’s not wallow in regret and shame.  Let’s allow our sorrow to move us closer to God and, with His help, live a life of doing what is right and good.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, Forgive me for my attitude and actions that brought hurt into my life and into the lives of those who cared about me.  Without You, I know I am powerless to live a satisfying life.  Help me not to wallow in regret and despair over my past life but to live according to Your principles and, going forward, share Your goodness with others.  Amen 

  Video Encouragement and Prayer 

Audio for What Do I Do With This Sadness?

Giving Hope

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