Experiencing The Blessing Of Making Amends

When we make amends under the guidance of our loving God, everyone is blessed. Confessing our wrongs to someone we have harmed means they no longer need to carry around the painful baggage from the event. The resentment each of us held towards the other will begin to ease and both parties will experience freedom from the trauma of past events.

It is essential that we become willing to make amends to people we have harmed. However, we need to do so with the motive of taking responsibility for the hurt we caused. When the time is right, and with a prayerful attitude of seeking God’s healing for the people we have harmed, God will guide each of us to the pathway of peace.

How do we welcome God’s blessing on this process so no one gets injured? We reach out in repentance rather than in self-centered consideration of our own needs. We keep our focus on God’s plan and purpose for the good of all parties in the relationship.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV)
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending Jesus into the world to make relationship with You possible. Now I ask You to work in my heart so that my past relationships might be healed and perhaps even restored. Amen
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