Forgiven Much Loves Much

A well-known sinful woman came to a place where Jesus was eating dinner with some religious leaders of His time. In her gratitude for the forgiveness she had received, she poured precious perfume on Jesus’ feet and washed them with her tears. Simon, the host of the dinner, was shocked that Jesus would allow a woman of her reputation to do what she was doing. Jesus told Simon a story to help Simon understand God’s acceptance and love for broken people
“Two people owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?” Simon replied, “I suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven.” “You have judged correctly,” Jesus said. (Luke 7:39-43 NIV)

Jesus teaches us, as He taught Simon, that we do not need to fear rejection when we bring our moral brokenness before God. When we compose a summary of “our last 90 days” as some treatment programs ask of us, or work on our Step 4 moral inventory, we can easily feel guilt and shame about the ugliness of our past. God invites us to bring all our sinfulness to Him because on the cross Jesus already paid our debt in full.

We could never pay our own debt. We could never fix all that we have broken. However, God through Jesus has already made that provision. As we turn our will and our life over to His care, He will free us from every sin and heal us from every wound. As we become more aware of our freedom through Christ, joy, amazement, and gratitude will grow in us until we sometimes feel like we might burst. This is what it means to be truly “happy, joyous, and free.”
Prayer: Lord Jesus, Thank You for not giving up on me. I am grateful for the gift of forgiveness that You purchased with Your precious blood for me on the cross. Help me to live in the freedom of Your love and acceptance and share the blessing of it with others who need to hear the Good News. Amen
Video Encouragement and Prayer
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Audio for Forgiven Much Loves Much
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