Love Is Patient

The Bible tells us that love is patient. How many of us would profess to be patient? Do we listen attentively to what another is saying? Do we give up on a program or a project because it requires too much time and is not going as well as we had anticipated? When things do not go our way, are we willing to pause and seek God on how we should proceed? Many of us are aware of the numerous times we have made life altering blunders because of our impatience.

What causes us to be impatient and lose our temper? Perhaps it stems from our disrespect of people in general. Perhaps we have been conditioned by the environment we grew up in and never learned to wait for things. Perhaps our disappointment with events we expected to happen but never did affected our trust in others and gave us a cynical attitude. How do these things and many others impact our recovery? Do we stay the way we are, or do we seek God to teach us how to love others and be patient with them?

When we became God’s children through accepting Jesus as our Saviour, we were born again into a family household that is quite different from any other household. Our Heavenly Father’s love for us surpasses that of any earthly parent.

My friends, we beg you to warn anyone who isn’t living right. Encourage anyone who feels left out, help all who are weak, and be patient with everyone. (1 Thessalonians 5:14 CEV)
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Please fill me with Your unfailing love so that I can love others and be patient with them as You are with me. Amen
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