Optimism Fueled By Hope

Faith and hope in God are foundational to a positive outlook on life in recovery. Faith is the settled knowledge that God exists, and that God is for us. When we have faith in God’s goodness, hope will automatically follow.

Hope is both a desire and an expectation for something to happen. When our hope is grounded in certainty then we can build on it. God is faithful, and all His ways are trustworthy. As we follow God’s ways and meditate on His promises, we will find reason to have hope. The Bible tells us that God is our helper and our protector and He answers our prayers. When we confess we have failed to obey His commands, God forgives, comforts, and restores us. God’s love and compassion for us is unfailing.

We are filled with hope as we listen to others share their experience, strength, and hope in recovery meetings. We are also encouraged when we learn about previous generations who dared to believe and put their hope in God. The Bible is a great place to “have a meeting” with those who have walked the recovery path before us. We will learn from their journey, and faith and hope will grow in us as we come to know how trustworthy God really is.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank You for the faith and hope that is building in me today. I ask You to strengthen me as I continue to put my trust in Your Word and believe that You will do all that You have promised. Amen
Video Encouragement and Prayer
©2025 Partners in Hope
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