The First Day Of This New Year

Happy New Year! This is the first day of the year 2025 and if we want to make a fresh start to the year we can choose to repent of our past sins and give our will and life over to the care of God, or we can just live in the “same old, same old”. Making a choice to live in response to God’s love would be a life-giving start to the year.

We can enter this new year with joy and hope because God says that when we invite Him into our lives we become new creations. The old goes and the new comes. Prior to God living in us we are like dead people walking around not knowing how to do life. When God makes us alive, He not only shows us how to live but gives us the desire and the power to do things His way.

Can we hope to live like that today and over the course of the following 364 days of this year? Our hope must not be based in our own self-effort to get things right but in the God who chooses us and works powerfully in us to make us His holy people.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank You for not only inviting me to a new life with You but for coming to be that life in me today and each day of this new year. You are the love that is always there to take me forward and the hope that lives inside me. One day at a time in this year, help me to live as the person You created me to be. Help me to become more like You in all my ways. Amen
Video Encouragement and Prayer
Audio for The First Day Of This New Year
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