The Freedom Of A Clean Slate

We experience true freedom when we have a clean slate with God. As we admit our ongoing faults and sins to God with a sincere desire to change, God is faithful to forgive us.

Sometimes we appear to do good things for others and tell ourselves we are caring people even though we have a bad attitude and hold hidden resentments. We list the things we’ve done right and use that list to excuse ourselves from taking responsibility when we do wrong. The Bible makes a clear distinction between doing good to “look good” and practicing goodness as a character quality.

As followers of Jesus we are required to choose for good regardless of the trials we may face. We are told that a sign of the presence of God within us is a lifestyle of goodness. God created us for a work He has prepared in advance for us to do, a work that flows from a pure heart. The challenging question for us is: are we doing things to make us “look good” or, are we loving others because God has transformed us and made us whole?

If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:31b-32 NIV)
Freedom comes when we acknowledge the truth that without Jesus we can do nothing good, but with Jesus, all things are possible!
Prayer: Gracious God, I acknowledge that freedom to love others comes only through obeying Your Word. Help me to do what is right, to be merciful, and to walk humbly with You in all my ways. Amen
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