The Prayer That Makes It All Right

Jesus told the story of two men who went to church to pray. One stood proud and named off all his accomplishments. He compared himself to another person near him who was also praying and gave thanks that he was much better than that man since the man was known in the community to be guilty of all sorts of wrong doing.
The other person, who admitted he was guilty of wrong doing, hung his head in shame, opened his heart to God, and confessed His sin asking God for mercy and forgiveness. Jesus said it was the person who knew He had sinned and asked for forgiveness that went home in right relationship with God. (see Luke 18:9-14 for the story)

At many places along the way it's easier to make a list of what others did to us and so much more difficult to take responsibility for our part and seek forgiveness for where we went wrong and caused harm to ourselves and others. Comparing our actions with another’s actions to minimize our destructive behaviour will never heal our hearts or restore our relationship with God.

Only a humble acknowledgement of our shortcomings before God and asking Him to remove them will get us to the place of peace we long to experience.
Prayer: Loving God, be merciful to me a sinner and forgive my lawless deeds. With the precious blood of Jesus, wash me clean from every evil thing I have done. Make me pure as the driven snow. Bring me joy and gladness as I stand on the truth of Your word that says my sins and my lawless deeds You will remember no more. Amen
Video Encouragement and Prayer
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