Living in addiction is living emotionally unavailable to God, to others, and to ourselves. One of the essential areas we give our attention to in recovery is learning how to identify, experience, and deal with emotions. Grief, shame, unforgiveness, and fear of rejection are just some of the root causes of our emotional separation from life experiences. God created us to be individuals who experience a wide variety of emotions, and He wants to help us recover the satisfying life that He prepared in advance for us.

Our journey in this area will likely be taken in very small steps. As we persevere and open our hearts more and more each day, God will accompany us and support us through the healing process. If we are emotional and sense that we may be vulnerable to shutting down or running and hiding once again, we can call out to God for His help to improve our conscious contact with His love.
Prayer: Loving God, While I find it quite difficult to open up to my emotions, I know you created me to experience a healthy and satisfying emotional life. I turn away from fear and invite You to give me a new life today. Help me to trust in the safety of your unfailing love and support. In Your care, help me to learn to live and love others as You love me. Amen
Audio for Becoming Emotionally Available Again
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Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.