The Benefit Of Doing Things God’s Way Over The Long Hauls

Sunday February 2, 2025

How many times have we spoken before we thought, and as the old truism says, “put our foot in our mouth?”  For too long we have held narrow views of life and our place in it.  God created us for community and caring relationships.  In the scriptures He has given us all the knowledge we need to live life well every day.

If you listen closely to my wisdom and good sense, you will have sound judgment, and you will always know the right thing to say. (Proverbs 5:1-2 CEV) 

In Step 11 of the 12-Step program, we are encouraged to improve our conscious contact with God, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry it out.  As we encounter God’s wisdom in the Bible and put His ways into practice we will have the satisfaction and joy of knowing how practical God’s word really is. In the beginning it may be a challenge for us to put God’s principles into practice as God teaches us to be generous to others which is opposite to our self-centered practices in addiction.  Generally, in our society, God’s ways are not upheld as the best way forward. 

The Lord watches your ways.  He studies all your paths. Sinners are trapped by their own evil acts.  They are held tight by the ropes of their sins.  They will die because they refused to be corrected.  Their sins will capture them because they were very foolish.  (Proverbs 5:21-23 NIRV) 

To walk according to God’s principals requires that we discipline ourselves in certain ways and at certain times.  The more often we make the choice to do things God’s way, the more often we will be aware that it was exactly the right thing to do at that time.  People will benefit from our right actions and our sense of what is good for us and others will become clearer.  This will form part of the message we are to carry to others as we practice God’s principles in all our affairs.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, Help me to not only meditate and pray for the knowledge of Your will but to have the courage to put it into practice in all my affairs.  Help me to trust Your way even when it seems inconvenient or quite different from what I have known in the past.  I choose once again to turn my will and my life over to Your care.  Please direct me in all my ways.  Amen

Audio for The Benefit Of Doing Things God’s Way Over The Long Hauls

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.