Behaving With Wisdom

Saturday March 15, 2025

If someone says a person is – a wise owl – it makes us think of that person as having wisdom in all they say and do.  Also, we may assume a person who reads a lot of books or has a few college degrees has gained a lot of wisdom.  We certainly want any judge we stand before to be wise and discerning.


Corrie Ten Boom, a Dutch woman to who lived during the Second World War was a wise woman.  In whatever situation she was in, Corrie determined to live for God and do His will. She and her family helped Jewish people escape from persecution by the Nazis.  They hid them in their house and helped many get to freedom.  She and her family were caught and ended up in a concentration camp where they endured much suffering.  Years later, after Corrie was released, she met one of the camp guards who was the cause of great suffering for her and her sister.  By the grace of God, Corrie demonstrated great wisdom by forgiving this man, as God's word had taught her to do. 

For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk with integrity.  He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him. Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will find the right way to go. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will fill you with joy.   (Proverbs 2:6-10 NLT)


Many of us will never face the extreme challenges that Corrie Ten Boom faced in the concentration camp where she was held.  However, everyday life brings challenges where we need God’s guidance to live wisely.  We need help to make big and small decisions. God offers to live within us and guide us on a safe path.  When we trust Jesus to be our Saviour, God fills us with His Holy Spirit.  God’s Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Wisdom.  He will empower and guide us as we seek to grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus.

Let’s be wise people.  Let’s get wisdom and enjoy today by taking time to meditate on God’s word, listen for God’s direction as we pray, and receive God’s guidance as we desire to walk in His truth. 


Prayer:  Heavenly Father, I want to live wisely.  Help me to take time to read Your Word, listen to Your heart, receive Your direction, and walk in Your truth today and every day.  Amen

Audio for Behaving With Wisdom

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