Being Diligent About My Recovery Today

Wednesday March 19, 2025

Those who make steady progress in recovery and find one day becoming one month, one year, and then one decade, are those who remain focused and pay careful attention each day to what works.  We call this being diligent.

Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked so hard to achieve. Be diligent so that you receive your full reward.  Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. (2 John 1:8, NLT 2 Timothy 4:15 NIV)


Through practice and consistent effort, we get better at living the spiritual practices that are foundational to healthy living.  Our conscious awareness of God's presence increases the more we pray and meditate on His Word.  Peace and rest in our body and soul grows as we regularly make a moral inventory of what has gone on in our day.  We promptly admit anything that has harmed us or someone else and ask God for His forgiveness and a fresh start.  Our relationships will grow strong as we make the effort to assess what our part was in any tension or hurt and with God’s help make amends. 


The challenge for each of us is not to slack off or get distracted when things are going well.  Where we are today did not come by our own power or smarts.  It is God working in us.  It is God who is giving us what we need in each set of circumstances.  However, we are the ones who are willing to pay attention to His guidance and follow His direction.

God can bless you with everything you need, and you will always have more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others.  (2 Corinthians 9:8 CEV)


We are as reliant on the forgiveness and healing of Jesus as we were when we wrote our first account of our "Last 90 Days” or our first Step 4 inventory.  Thank God we now have new strength and some stability in our relationships and our recovery, but we must always be mindful and diligent in our efforts to get rid of everything that would distract us from what keeps us strong and free.  It is God who does that.  May we find Him close today. 


Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am powerless without You.  Each day, help me to be diligent in the spiritual practices that keep me conscious of Your will for me and give me the power I need to carry it out.  Amen


Audio for Being Diligent About My Recovery Today

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.