Learning From Sound Advice

Saturday March 8, 2025

Wise people are willling to listen to sound advice and learn. When we begin our journey with God in recovery, we need to welcome help from people whose desire is for us to succeed in being restored to sanity.  We can learn from their experience, strength, and hope because they have gained wisdom by listening to others and by following the principles for a successful life as recorded in the Bible.


Wisdom is found on the lips of those who understand what is right.  But those who have no sense are punished.  (Proverbs 10:13 NIRV)


Those who have walked the spiritual journey to recovery will tell us of prayers that God answered when they felt like giving up.  They persisted in doing the next right thing and God made a way for them to be overcomers, even when they doubted there was a way forward.  Some of us are foolish and end back up in the same place we came from because we disregarded the truth that God will give us the power we need to hold on.  We punish ourselves repeatedly by choosing not to do what is right and good.


Knowledge begins with fear and respect for the Lord, but stubborn fools hate wisdom and refuse to learn.  But now you know the true God. Really, though, it is God who knows you. So why do you turn back to the same kind of weak and useless rules you followed before? Do you want to be slaves to those things again?  (Proverbs 1:7; Galatians 4:9 ERV)

God wants to take us through to victory, but if we are unwilling to pay attention to His sound advice, we will forever be on the same old roundabout going nowhere.  God’s Word, as recorded in the Bible, assures us that He will honour all the promises He has made.  Why not trust and obey what God says?  Why not be a person who gains wisdom?


Prayer:  Gracious God, Help me to listen and learn from those who have walked this journey of recovery before me.  Also, please give me the will and desire to trust Your Word as recorded in the Bible so that I may gain the wisdom to walk in Your ways. Amen 

Audio for Learning From Sound Advice

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.