Meditations on "Acceptance"

Saturday December 23, 2023
Many children will go to bed tonight with the thought “One more sleep until Santa Claus comes.

Tuesday December 19, 2023
In the Bible we read of many festivals that the people of Israel celebrated because God had intervened on their behalf.

Monday October 23, 2023
How do we feel when people who should recognize us don’t?

Saturday October 14, 2023
Just for today I will be unafraid, believing that as I trust in God with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding, He will lead me along a good path.

Tuesday September 26, 2023
Being a “dry drunk” is a term used to describe a person whose actions and attitude are pretty much the same as they were when they were drinking.

Sunday December 25, 2022
Christmas – it really happened! God came to our planet.

Sunday October 30, 2022
To be reconciled with someone who has wronged us is difficult.

Saturday October 15, 2022
Jesus was often challenged by the self-righteous actions of some of the religious leaders who saw themselves as guardians of God’s law.

Saturday October 1, 2022
Many of us who experience discontentment with life are unable to settle ourselves and be at peace.

Wednesday September 14, 2022
Jealousy is a negative and damaging emotion. It’s the feeling we have when something we believe is ours is given to someone else.

Friday July 1, 2022
Canada's coat of arms is an official symbol of the country.

Wednesday June 22, 2022
One of the most pivotal messages in the series. The basis of salvation after our acceptance of Jesus as Saviour.