Meditations on "Acceptance"

Dry Drunk Or Living Sober
Tuesday April 19, 2022

Being a “dry drunk” is a term used to describe a person whose current actions and attitude remain the same as when they were drinking.

How Far Is The East From The West?
Sunday January 30, 2022

How far is the east from the west? It is a distance we can never travel and a destination we can never reach.

Being Sensitive To Others
Thursday November 18, 2021

In the Bible we read that Jesus was repeatedly sensitive to people and what they were going through, and He reached out to them with mercy and compassion.

Affirmed And Accompanied By A Loving God
Sunday October 17, 2021

After years of listening to other’s harsh and condemning words about us, it’s wonderful to have an opportunity to experience the affirmation of God and to be reminded that as we walk with Him, He is pleased with us.

Peace That Melts Harshness
Monday June 21, 2021

Too many of us carry a harsh picture of God and believe He looks for ways to be displeased with us.

Step Seven Humility
Tuesday April 6, 2021

A humble person is grounded in a realistic view of who they are.

Step Five Telling Someone Else
Saturday March 6, 2021

When we confess the exact nature of our wrongs, the terrible isolation we've lived with for most of our lives will be exposed.

Acceptance That Brings Serenity
Friday February 12, 2021

Life has its ups and downs and does not always treat us fairly.

Power Greater Than Ourselves
Wednesday January 20, 2021

We all need hope. Today we are affirming the hope within us that what has been impossible for us to do on our own becomes possible when we reach out for help to a power greater than ourselves.

Ordinary Lives No More
Saturday December 26, 2020

After all the hype and preparation for Christmas, especially during this very strange year of the COVID-19 pandemic, we return now to ordinary days.

Merry Christmas
Friday December 25, 2020

Christmas -- it really happened! God came to our planet.

Grief And Loss
Monday October 26, 2020

In 1969, psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross introduced what became known as the “five stages of grief.