Meditations on "Amends"

Whom Have I Injured?
Thursday August 24, 2023

An important part of living with God in recovery is coming to an accurate view of what went wrong in our relationships and doing our part to make things right.

A Life Plan Under Construction
Tuesday June 27, 2023

We are just moving into summer and hopefully looking forward to long days lounging around in the sunshine.

Facing The Storm As We Make Amends
Friday June 2, 2023

Seeking out those to whom we need to make amends can be intimidating.

Following Through
Friday April 21, 2023

In “How It Works” we read and hear the following words read regularly at meetings: Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path.

Gaining And Practicing Discretion
Thursday April 20, 2023

In the Big Book of AA, we are advised to use discretion in knowing how much time and attention to give to one situation versus the time others might benefit from if given more of our time and support.

Loving Others Making Amends
Monday April 3, 2023

As we recover from addiction, it is emotionally draining when we come to the place of acknowledging and dealing with the harm we have caused.

The Grudges We Carry
Sunday March 12, 2023

Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.

Put It On The List
Saturday February 25, 2023

Little by little as we walk with God and work the steps, we gain new information about ourselves and how we relate to other people.

No Regrets
Sunday February 12, 2023

The second promise found in the Big Book of AA tells us that if we diligently work the steps, “We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.

Knowing Freedom And A New Happiness
Wednesday January 18, 2023

In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous there is a section on making amends and sorting things out with our families.

The Golden Rule
Saturday January 14, 2023

In the middle of Jesus teaching about how to treat our enemies he inserts one of the most famous principles of human interaction called The Golden Rule.

Step Ten My Life Is In Your Hands
Thursday December 8, 2022

Step-10 encourages us to regularly take personal inventory and when we are wrong about anything to promptly admit it.