Meditations on "Dysfunction"

Sunday September 3, 2023

We tend to base our security on the experience of our personal relationship with others.

Self Seeking Will Slip Away
Saturday August 12, 2023

The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous makes this statement: “Putting out of our minds the wrongs others had done, we resolutely looked for our own mistakes.

Peace Or “picking Up”
Friday July 28, 2023

God's kingdom runs on the laws of love and peace. It really does!

Don’t Judge Others
Sunday June 11, 2023

Judging others is a problem area for many of us and something that Jesus tells us needs to change if we are to live well in recovery and in life.

Wisdom Adopting A Different Mindset
Saturday June 10, 2023

T Often when we come into recovery we miss our old way of life and the people we socialized with.

Happy Joyous And Free
Friday May 5, 2023

Life in recovery can be challenging at times. We have joy in the fact that we are no longer in the pit of our addiction but are uneasy about living in situations that are unfamiliar to us.

Just For Today
Friday March 31, 2023

Just for today I will seek to serve others with kindness, doing what is right, and walking humbly with God.

Sunday January 8, 2023

Our anticipation of events is positive when we expect something good is about to happen such as, going out to a show, taking a holiday trip, or doing something we really like to do.

Happy New Year--really???
Monday January 2, 2023

Happy New Year! Really? Some of us may have woken up this morning to the fact that our lives are unmanageable and that we are powerless over our addictive behaviour.

Say What We Mean And Mean What We Say
Friday December 30, 2022

Audio for SAY WHAT WE MEAN AND MEAN WHAT WE SAY Many of us have been in the company of others who think they know everything but when they open their mouths very little wisdom is detected.

Living In Conscious Awareness Of God’s Love For Me
Saturday November 5, 2022

Being conscious of who we are and our place in life is often considered to be “self-perception.

Blessing Others Brings Deep Satisfaction
Saturday August 27, 2022

Sometimes we choose not to bless someone because we judge them as unworthy.