Meditations on "Dysfunction"

Wednesday May 26, 2021
Anger in our society is rampant. Most of us have a hard time dealing with anger.

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Fear is a disturbing emotion which is triggered by the expectation that something unpleasant is about to happen.

Sunday March 14, 2021
Many of us have been in the company of others who think they know everything but when they open their mouths not much wisdom comes out.

Sunday February 21, 2021
From the chaos of our dysfunctional lives many of us called out to God with words like, “God if you are really there, please help me.

Sunday January 31, 2021
What a refreshing feeling it is to be free from the guilt of our addiction and dependencies.

Friday August 14, 2020
The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous makes this statement: “Putting out of our minds the wrongs others had done, we resolutely looked for our own mistakes.

Saturday June 6, 2020
Often when we come into recovery, we miss our old way of life and the people we socialized with.

Monday March 9, 2020
Some of us have had the experience of being homeless while we lived in our dysfunctional lifestyle.

Sunday February 2, 2020
Many of us have been in the company of others who think they know everything but when they open their mouths very little wisdom is detected.

Wednesday January 8, 2020
Our anticipation of events is positive when we expect something good is about to happen, such as going out to a show, taking a holiday trip, or doing something else we really like to do.

Monday December 9, 2019
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.

Sunday December 1, 2019
In this season of the year we prepare our hearts for the annual celebration of Christ’s birth.