Meditations on "Gratitude"

Jesus Is Born For Us
Monday December 25, 2023

Jesus is born – born for us. The God who created heaven and earth put on flesh and was born in humble circumstances so we could experience love and find hope for a relationship with God that lasts forever.

Joy And Anticipation
Saturday December 23, 2023

Many children will go to bed tonight with the thought “One more sleep until Santa Claus comes.

Lest We Forget
Saturday November 11, 2023

Today we remember blood that was spilled on battlefields around the world by brave men and women who gave their lives for the cause of freedom and justice.

Sunday November 5, 2023

At 2 a.m. today in North America we changed from daylight saving time back to standard time.

Practicing An Attitude Of Gratitude
Sunday October 8, 2023

Practicing an attitude of gratitude – is this just a happy little catchphrase or something to think about one day a year on the Thanksgiving holiday, or is it a way of facing each day that changes our perspective on life?

Sunday October 1, 2023

Transition is difficult for us when we first come into recovery.

Saturday September 23, 2023

The Ninth A.A. Tradition is a foundational principle that supports caring people as they serve others in their community.

Justice And Mercy And Recovery
Thursday July 27, 2023

Depending on a given situation, we often find ourselves caught up in the conflict of our desire for justice or mercy.

Help For The Hopeless Addict
Wednesday July 5, 2023

Do I matter? Does anyone notice me? Does anyone care?

Monday May 22, 2023

It’s not surprising that living in active addiction was for years often described as having a habit.

Understanding Laziness
Saturday May 13, 2023

Many years ago a list was prepared of seven things that are death to living a good life.

Finding Enthusiasm Again
Tuesday May 9, 2023

Recovery is hard work. Sometimes we feel joy in the journey and other times we don’t seem to feel anything at all.