Meditations on "Humility"

Lord’s Prayer Lead Us Not Into Temptation
Wednesday November 16, 2022

When His disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, the words that He used were full of wisdom on how to approach God in order that He both hear and answer their prayers.

Praying For Hope To Believe
Saturday October 8, 2022

When we come to believe that God forgives and saves us through Jesus and choose to turn our will and our life over to His care, God makes us His own.

Count Your Blessings
Thursday September 29, 2022

The end of Tradition 12 in the Big Book of AA sums up an important principle in our recovery: We need to regularly count our blessings.

Living Beyond Intolerance
Tuesday August 2, 2022

An important character strength to develop is tolerance – being patient, understanding, and accepting of something different.

Count Your Blessings
Tuesday July 5, 2022

The end of Tradition 12 in the Big Book of AA sums up an important principle in our recovery: We need to regularly count our blessings.

Step Nine Working For Reconciliation With Care
Friday June 3, 2022

Honesty, balance, and realism are essential tools to keep at hand as we sort out and rebuild relationships.

Missing The Point About Mistakes
Wednesday April 27, 2022

Trying to be perfect is a mean task master yet many of us live in the fear of making mistakes and hide in shame and addictive behaviour when we stumble.

Step Nine The Pathway Of Peace
Thursday March 3, 2022

Each day in recovery is a new opportunity to respond to God's call to live in humility; desire reconciling of relationships; walk in forgiveness; and focus on cleaning our side of the street.

The Wisdom Of Making Only A Few Promises
Wednesday February 23, 2022

Whether it’s a commitment we make to ourselves, to others, or to God, keeping at it until it is completed is tough for an addict.

Just For Today Stop Controlling
Monday December 6, 2021

Why is it easier to see where others need to improve rather than see our own need?

Wednesday October 13, 2021

Our pride often keeps us from asking for what we need.

Building Confidence For Successful Recovery
Thursday October 7, 2021

Moving forward in identifying character defects and allowing God to help us develop our true character is no easy process.