Meditations on "Inventory"

Sunday April 28, 2024
In “How It Works” we read and hear the words read regularly in meetings: “Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path.

Friday March 29, 2024
As our time increases in recovery one of the enemies we need to guard against is becoming complacent.

Tuesday March 19, 2024
Just for today, I will take time to notice the gifts in me, in others, and in my surroundings and let the rest go.

Thursday February 29, 2024
It’s leap year so this is a day added to the calendar every four years to keep our clocks in line with the earth’s rotation around the sun.

Tuesday February 20, 2024
When making an inventory of our lives before God, some basic questions to ask are: "God what does my life look like to you?

Tuesday February 6, 2024
Those of us who just like doing familiar things that appeal to us will find it a challenge to be willing to live in the ways of God.

Tuesday January 30, 2024
At various times on our recovery journey we are asked to take personal inventory.

Wednesday January 3, 2024
Just for today, I will take time to notice the gifts in me, in others, and in my surroundings and let the rest go.

Saturday December 16, 2023
How are we expected to know what is right? How do we know what is wrong?

Saturday November 25, 2023
One of the faulty measures people often use for determining the success of a person is how much money they have made.

Wednesday November 15, 2023
Our old ways of thinking and behaving are being transformed as we journey with God in our new life in recovery.

Tuesday October 31, 2023
When we come to Step 4 in the 12-Step program we are asked to focus on ourselves and make a searching and fearless moral inventory.