Meditations on "Powerless"

Friday January 5, 2024
We come into recovery because we recognize we are powerless over addictive substances, people, or things that we have become dependent on to sustain life as we know it.

Wednesday December 27, 2023
Those of us who have acted on the saying “God could and would, if He were sought” have witnessed the blessing of God in our lives.

Thursday December 21, 2023
For those of us who live in the northern hemisphere this is both the shortest day and the longest night of the year.

Wednesday December 20, 2023
What came first, the chicken or the egg? When we called out to God in our powerlessness, did we suddenly show up on His “locating system” or was He already waiting for us to call so He could help us?

Tuesday December 19, 2023
In the Bible we read of many festivals that the people of Israel celebrated because God had intervened on their behalf.

Sunday December 17, 2023
As we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christ’s birth, some of us may have negative memories and regrets about past Christmases.

Sunday December 3, 2023
This is the first Sunday of Advent. The word Advent means “Coming” and Advent is a season of the church year when many Christians observe a time of preparing for both the celebration of the birth of Christ at Christmas and the return of Christ at the Second Coming.

Thursday November 30, 2023
One day when Jesus was at a dinner party given by a religious leader an uninvited woman with a bad reputation in the community entered the room.

Monday November 13, 2023
Trying to be self-reliant and seeking to sort out life on our own took many of us into lifestyles of isolation, addiction, denial, and destructive behaviour.

Wednesday November 1, 2023
Jesus is our role model for how to live well with God in recovery.

Thursday October 19, 2023
After years of uncertainty and upheaval at every turn, it's wonderful to recover a life that has some stability.

Monday October 16, 2023
“Where is life going from here?” This a question we may ask ourselves when we come to admit that we are powerless over our dependencies and that our life has become unmanageable.