Meditations on "Relapse"

Monday July 15, 2024
Over the long haul, how do we prevent relapse into addictive behaviour and maintain our choice to live in the love and grace of God?

Saturday June 15, 2024
Emotions, stress, illness, troubles in a relationship, or just talking about the past can trigger an obsession in us to relapse.

Thursday May 23, 2024
We usually say an individual is “white knuckling” when they are just using willpower to stay sober.

Thursday April 4, 2024
Emotions, stress, troubles in a relationship, illness, or just talking about the past can trigger an obsession in us to relapse.

Wednesday April 3, 2024
We started lying a long time ago to cover up and hide from the truth.

Friday March 29, 2024
As our time increases in recovery one of the enemies we need to guard against is becoming complacent.

Tuesday January 2, 2024
Today as we begin to embrace this New Year and recover from the festivities of saying good-bye to the old year, let us reflect on what we would like to achieve in the months ahead.

Saturday November 25, 2023
One of the faulty measures people often use for determining the success of a person is how much money they have made.

Tuesday November 21, 2023
Once we have cleaned up our lives from all past involvement in destructive and addictive practices we are home free for a life of joy and peace and blessing, right?

Sunday November 19, 2023
One of the central pillars of the recovery world is the sharing of our experience, strength, and hope.

Friday November 10, 2023
The founders of AA and the 12 Steps were aware of Biblical principles and based on these, they structured the program of Alcoholics Anonymous to include peer counselors whom we call sponsors.

Tuesday November 7, 2023
Due to the oppression of our addictive lifestyle, many of us made a move towards recovery only to struggle and relapse.