Meditations on "Temptation"

Friday December 2, 2022
The story is told of a pig and a chicken having a conversation about a meal they want to provide for their friends.

Wednesday November 16, 2022
When His disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, the words that He used were full of wisdom on how to approach God in order that He both hear and answer their prayers.

Saturday November 12, 2022
Yesterday, men and women who lost their lives in past wars were honoured with parades to the cenotaph in local communities.

Tuesday October 25, 2022
How do we respond to the blessings God freely gives when we come to accept all Jesus has done for us and turn our will and life over to His care?

Thursday October 20, 2022
When we give our will and life over to the care of God we come out of darkness into His light.

Tuesday October 4, 2022
Many of us have watched movies with men or woman dueling with swords.

Friday September 16, 2022
We live in a time when revenge and resentment often appear to be more valued than forgiveness.

Wednesday September 7, 2022
As God draws us into a deeper relationship with Him, the devil and his forces of darkness try to make us doubt God and His Word as recorded in the Bible.

Tuesday August 16, 2022
Jesus' followers weren't sure how to pray and so they asked Jesus to teach them.

Sunday July 17, 2022
The experience of life outside the will and care of God is helplessness and frustration when trials and temptations come our way.

Monday July 4, 2022
One of the great comforts and challenges, all at the same time, is the reality that we are powerless to manage our lives on our own.

Tuesday June 7, 2022
All of us are vulnerable to relapse when we are feeling lonely, frustrated or dissatisfied with life.