Meditations on "Victim"

Step Eight Where Have I Caused Harm?
Tuesday April 20, 2021

We have all been hurt and let down by others. It’s simply a part of being around humans.

Dysfunctional Thinking Victim Mentality
Monday April 5, 2021

In recovery, as well as in addiction, one can have a victim mentality.

Grief And Loss
Monday October 26, 2020

In 1969, psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross introduced what became known as the “five stages of grief.

Staying Away From All Sexual Sin
Saturday September 19, 2020

Proverbs is a book of wisdom in the Bible. Several chapters of the book give instruction about sexual immorality and being lured into trouble when we allow ourselves to be drawn into sexual activity outside of the lifetime commitment of marriage.

Wonderfully Complex Or Complicated
Saturday May 16, 2020

We were created as wonderfully complex human beings.

Victim Mentality
Monday March 2, 2020

In recovery, as well as in addiction, one can have a victim mentality.

Stubborn Pride
Monday November 25, 2019

Pride is a very destructive character defect. It is evident in our lives when we think negative, angry, or victimized thoughts.

Thursday November 7, 2019

For many of us infidelity in a relationship has harmed us.

Continuing To Hold A Grudge
Wednesday October 23, 2019

Unresolved grudges from offences committed against us in childhood, usually show up in adulthood as deeply rooted bitterness.

Do I Believe God Loves Me?
Tuesday October 15, 2019

Often the root of our problems is what we choose to believe.

Overcoming A Victim Mentality
Friday June 7, 2019

People who suffer from a victim mentality often confuse love with pity or rescue.

Where Have I Caused Harm?
Saturday May 25, 2019

We have all been hurt and let down by others. It's simply part of being around humans.