Meditations on "Victim"

Resentment And Buried Grudges
Thursday March 14, 2019

We feel hurt when another’s unkind words or actions cause our self-worth to be devalued.

Came To Believe
Friday January 11, 2019

At some point in our lives we became aware that we were powerless over our dependencies and that our lives had become unmanageable.

Guarding Against Comparing
Wednesday November 28, 2018

When we don’t feel good about ourselves it is often the result of comparing ourselves with others.

The Trigger To Our Rationalizing
Monday October 22, 2018

Rationalizing endorses the internal belief that we are victims of circumstances beyond our control.

Taking Responsibility Who's To Blame
Wednesday October 17, 2018

Accepting responsibility for our behaviour is difficult for most of us even in recovery.

Desire To Make Things Right
Wednesday September 19, 2018

Having a loving relationship with God and praying with Him about everything we do is the foundation for those who seek to live with God in recovery.

Whom Have I Injured?
Wednesday August 29, 2018

An important part of living with God in recovery is coming to an accurate view of what went wrong in our relationships and doing our part to make things right.

Giving Up Street Smart Behaviour
Wednesday July 11, 2018

We often bring our “street smart” thinking into recovery with us.

Principles Before Personalities
Thursday July 5, 2018

“Principles before personalities” is one of those sayings we hear at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

Living In Victory Rather Than As A Victim
Saturday April 21, 2018

A person with a victim mentality has learned to focus on suffering while trying to avoid more at any cost.

Overcoming A Victim Mentality
Friday April 20, 2018

The victim mentality is quite widespread in our society and particularly in the world of addiction and recovery.

Courage To Choose Change
Thursday April 19, 2018

We have all sorts of reasons why we think we can’t change.