Meditations on "Victim"

Friday March 9, 2018
Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.

Sunday March 4, 2018
It doesn’t take a long time in recovery for us to realize how much better life is than we ever thought possible.

Tuesday January 30, 2018
Is there really a God? Is there really a higher power to whom I can turn over my will and my life and receive a life worth living?

Tuesday November 21, 2017
Having a loving relationship with God and praying with Him about everything we do, is the foundation for those who are seeking to live with God in recovery.

Monday November 20, 2017
An important part of living with God in recovery is coming to an accurate view of what went wrong in our relationships and doing our part to make things right.

Monday August 7, 2017
Accepting responsibility for our behaviour is difficult for most of us even in recovery.

Wednesday August 2, 2017
We often bring our “street smart” thinking into recovery with us.

Thursday July 20, 2017
"Principles before personalities" is one of those sayings that we hear at every Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.

Friday June 23, 2017
Rationalizing endorses the internal belief that we are victims of circumstances beyond our control.

Friday February 24, 2017
People living with a victim mentality often believe that it is impossible to get well.

Thursday February 23, 2017
Jesus encountered a man who had been sick a long time.

Wednesday February 22, 2017
People with a victim mentality often confuse love with pity or rescue.