About Us
Our Mission
Partners in Hope is a Christian-based community group offering support to victims of harmful circumstances and dependencies. In prayerful presence with those who are most vulnerable, we seek to raise up individuals who will wholeheartedly serve God in ministry that encourages and supports others to become faithful followers of Jesus Christ.
We are based in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- We produce Christian 12-step guides for individual or group use and make referrals to other 12-step meetings
- We write, produce, and distribute daily meditation booklets to prisons, drug and alcohol recovery centers, and to individuals
- We facilitate Prison Ministry chapels, offering support and friendship to women in prison
- We post daily video blogs for meditation and prayer to support individuals in their growing relationship with God
- We provide one-to-one counselling support throughout the week
We are phone accessible through call or by text every day at 604-215-0335 or online at pihrecovery@gmail.com.
Our Goals
- To be a message of hope, to those who live without hope, by demonstrating the care of God offered in the gift of Jesus Christ
- To create safe environments where men and women can confront themselves and the invitation of God in their lives.
- To accompany individuals in the process of building responsible and productive life habits — identifying positive goals and implementing appropriate strategies to meet those goals.
Our Activities
FOCUS OF ACTIVITIES: Encouragement and discipleship through teaching & mentoring in gathered groups, face-to-face encounters for spiritual counsel, and in online sharing. Programs focus on building healing relationships with a loving God, with other people, and with oneself that nurture life and respect for all. We provide life skills training and mentoring for individuals as they pursue responsible and productive life habits.
- Preparing and distributing written resources to support discipleship of those reclaiming the gift of their lives
- Daily blogs for prayer and meditation support as individuals grow in their relationship with God
- Christian 12-Step guides for individual or group use
- Supportive outreach in correctional facilities, drug and alcohol treatment centers
- Providing practical support to enhance daily living of those who are seeking new life